ICDUBO in English

An inspiring platform for sustainability and innovation in construction

The Innovation Centre for Sustainable Building (in dutch; Innovatie Centrum Duurzaam Bouwen = ICDuBo) links between government, education institutions and industry and forms an inspiring, central platform with a permanent, dynamic exhibition of all possible sustainable, innovative building products. Manufacturers are able to present their sustainable products and to conduct experiments in the ICDuBo. Moreover the ICDuBo is the ideal location for all parties involved to inform themselves thoroughly about the most recent sustainable developments. They act actively in the exchange of knowledge and their practical experiences.

It is not yet obvious that the large flow of knowledge, innovations and legislation in the field of sustainable building finds its way to the practice. The objective of the centre is thus stimulating the application of sustainable products by means of an attractive presentation in an inspiring surrounding. The offer has been aimed at the practical application and gives together with the internet platform an overview of the most current sustainable, innovative products, concepts and systems for construction.

The Innovation Centre for Sustainable Building…
…    forms the sustainable platform for the building industry with the ambition to exchange knowledge and to stimulate sustainable, innovative applications
…    focus on (improving) the cooperation between government, education- and research institutions and the industry
…    is the link between sustainable theory and building practice
…    stimulates innovation and is an engine of economic growth
…    shows visitors in a realistic way sustainable building concepts
…    implements innovations successfully in the market
…    is independent.

The presentation
The ICDuBo consists of a permanent dynamic, exhibition concerning sustainable building. Simultaneously the ICDuBo serves as an experimental space for innovations. 1:1 models of several building types are set up. These sections are completely built from sustainable products and concepts. In this way the technical aspects are made visible and the visitor can take knowledge of sustainable materials and systems in a realistic way. Attention is also given to themes as: urban planning, cradle to cradle, the application of sustainable energy, improvement of indoor comfort and the optimisation of the lifetime of buildings. In association with several education- and research institutions, the ICDuBo gives insights into several angles of sustainability. To stimulate knowledge exchange and development, theme meetings and symposia are organised for everybody who is involved in sustainable building.

The Innovation Centre Sustainable Building is established in the harbour of Rotterdam beside the heart of the city; the river Maas. The city of Rotterdam is aiming to be the World Capital of CO2- free energy. The ICDuBo is located in the impressive renovated hall of the RDM Centraal Magazijn, component of the RDM campus. Some education institutions have established their practice spaces at this campus area. A part of the area is reserved for innovative companies, so a link arises between the schools and the industry. This link encloses entirely the ambitions of the ICDuBo.

The location and the facilities which the RDM campus can offer, make it possible to offer several arrangements. For example a visit to the ICDuBo can be combined with use of receptions and congress facilities in the renovated board roam offices of the RDM or even a boat excursion over the river Maas is possible.

Want to know more?
If you want further information you can contact us:
0031 (0) 10 41 57 244

RDM Centraal Magazijn
Directiekade 2-8
3089 JA Rotterdam